Remember that email I sent you about a year ago about --
my buddy Ron's Yahoo! Store related service? Well, it's been working
wonders for my stores and my retailers' stores.
My best rev-share retailer's sales are about to crack the $3 million
dollar mark, (up $826,221.62 over the same period from the previous
year). He's freaking out, but in a good way...
Case Study: Yahoo! Store sales increase of $826,221.62 (last 365)
Howdy! Three things in this email:
+ I've got two new speaking / conference appearances
+ a $826,221.62 sales increase since last year's email
+ and announcing a free Yahoo! Store Webinar in JUNE (Email Marketing).
How's the weather in your neck of the woods? Man, it's hot down here
in Mississippi. All the college kids are gone and summer just showed
up with temps in the 90s and high humidity.
To beat the heat, I'm about to head north to Seattle for Danny
Sullivan's SMX ADVANCED 2008. I'll also be in Chicago in a couple of
weeks for INTERNET RETAILER 2008. I'll speak on THURSDAY on the Yahoo!
Stores panel at 8-something in &%@#$ morning. If you're at either
show, look me up!
Remember that email I sent you about a year ago about --
my buddy Ron's Yahoo! Store related service? Well, it's been working
wonders for my stores and my retailers' stores.
My best rev-share retailer's sales are about to crack the $3 million
dollar mark, (up $826,221.62 over the same period from the previous
year). He's freaking out, but in a good way. The emails have worked
enough to where his wife complains when we send out promo emails
because she has to work overtime to fill the hundreds of extra orders!
Ha! I think she really likes it, though, and is just teasing me.
Check out these sales graphs:

Notice how the the peaks on first graph are around $15K and the peaks
on the second graph are over $30K. Also notice those spiky jumps sticking
out. Those are days when we sent targeted emails using Ron's tool.
The $826,221.62 sales increase isn't ALL from email marketing. Some of
the boost is just plain old natural growth, and some is better
optimized SEO and PPC campaigns, but email marketing has been the
biggest helper this past year.
Anyway, Ron's been after me to stop and do a FREE WEBINAR on how we do email
marketing using his tools and show folks what has worked for us on our Yahoo! Stores. Ron's looking for a few more customers and I just like to run my mouth in front of an audience about this stuff. Limited to Yahoo! Store owners only.
Friday, June 20, 2008 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM PDT
See details here:
Anyway, I hope you sign up and I look forward to seeing you at the
webinar. I'll follow up with another email with more details about
what we're talking about around the actual week of the webinar, and if
you sign up, we'll send you a reminder or two. I'll also post details
in my blog.
Thanks! -- Rob
P.S. As you probably know, I'm not a communist! I'm on the Web to make some bucks, and this hour-long webinar will be more like a class about how I do Yahoo! Store email marketing using Ron's service. Ron will be flying co-pilot to keep me on target, and to answer questions about the TOPRIGHT stuff, but it won't be an infomercial.
Ron's picking up the tab for this one, and is looking for a few new clients, but don't expect a hard sell... Some WEBINARS are simply glorified commercials (which drive me nuts).
WHAT'S A WEBINAR? If you've never participated in a Webinar, here are some things you might want to know.
Simply put, a Webinar is a seminar conducted over the Web + telephone. It's a lot more like a live "talk radio" interview with some visuals than a TV show or pre-recorded video.
WHY WEBINARS ARE BETTER -- Webinars are live, not pre-recorded, so there's a lot more energy than in a pre-recorded session. When it's live, anything can happen! My experience is that folks tend to share waaaaay more real $$$ information live when they don't have the opportunity to edit in post-production.
If there's time, at the end of the Webinar we'll have a Q&A where you can ask questions via a chat window or text or email.
1) Register here:
2) After you register for the Webinar, you'll get a confirmation email with a phone number, the Webinar's code, and a link.
3) On Friday, June 20, 2008, open your email a little before 1:00 PM PACIFIC time. Open your browser, click the link, and log into the GotoMeeting session. You'll see a welcome screen and then when we start, you'll follow along as I walk through some slides and screenshots.
4) To hear the audio, you call the conference call number in the email, enter the Webinar Code #, and you get to hear me talking with my buddy, Ron. Don't worry, your phone is MUTED so you can do whatever you want while the Webinar's going on.
We have a limited number of spots, so register here right now if you're interested in increasing your sales with email marketing: