Normally there is a $200 charge for a mock-up, but you get this at no charge with no strings attached as a gift from the Snell Brothers. After receiving your deposit, you get a concise marketing report on how I would advise you to market your site
based upon a competitive review of other e-commerce sites selling
similar merchandise. This is a $100 value which you also get absolutely FREE. You get
a sample of what I can do for your company, and if you like the results,
we proceed to build your webstore.

You have absolutely no risk when you hire me. Your satisfaction is 100%
guaranteed. You will be completely satisfied with your webstore
when we get through with it, or I will re-work it until you are
satisfied, or you get a 100% refund of your deposit.

My job is to make the site look good and easy to navigate so people
stick around and spend money. The secret to designing a Yahoo! Store is
to work within the framework of the software and develop an easy to use
site. I can also help with getting you in the search engines. I can also
advise you in developing your marketing plan to include some banner
advertising or an affiliate program to drive traffic to your site.
You can get a special basic rate of $1995 for me to completely build your
store from the ground up. This includes up to 50 items from your
supplied graphics and supplied spreadsheet "skeleton." There is a $15
fee per additional item for more than 50 items. I charge by the job
instead of by the hour because that way you know how much the site will
cost you. It allows me to be a little self-indulgent on design without
feeling guilty about you having to pay for it. At this rate you save
hundreds of dollars if I was working "on the clock."

For you to get this special rate I need the following:

You send me your graphics in a standard format like .jpeg or
.gif or .tif files. They need to be named EXACTLY the same as your CODE for the item in the spreadsheet.
If you have scanned graphics that you can e-mail,
that's a great starting place. If you need my office to scan them, then
we can do that at a reasonable rate. Also if you have a logo, I need
that, or a copy of a business card. Also, any catalogs or fliers from
your business would be helpful.

You provide a spreadsheet (preferably Excel 97 or
delimited text file) with your catalog copy. The fields needed there are
item name, item number, description, list price, sale price, and

- Trade terms, company contact information, e-mail,
addresses, phone numbers, and shipping information

I'd like to have an idea of the volume you'd like to do,
and how much you're willing to spend to drive traffic to your store.

Please name three sites that you feel are the best
e-commerce sites on the net that sell what you sell. You tell me what
you like and don't like about them.

- When you're completely happy with the site, I'd like to get
the name and contact information of at least two other business
associates of yours who might be potential future clients.
Formatting your site
Designing a unique look that matches your corporate identity,
Branding the site with your logos and icons
Developing each of 50 product pages with descriptions and photographs
Configuring your shopping cart (including shipping
costs, tax, and international rates)
Helping write your trade terms
Tweaking your site to register high with the search engines
Submitting your site to the top 8 search engines
Helping write a Yahoo! description and submit it to Yahoo! directory,
Maximizing the Yahoo! Store navigation tools
Creating additional internal links to make your site easy to use
Advising on the marketing of your site
Complete training on your Yahoo! Store.